Viewing and downloading forms will require your computer to have the Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Missing Livestock Report: Print the form and return to the Brand office designating if you'd like an Investigator to follow up with you.
Producer Portal Instructions: For a full document on how the NBC Producer portal works download and review this document.
Authorized Signature Form has been created to allow producers to have a copy of their signature available for brand inspectors to scan when doing the electronic inspections. This can be used when producers especially have subscription invoice accounts that do not require them to be present to make payment.
Credit Card Authorization Form can be used for any payments that Producers need to make for transactions at the Alliance office. This is a one time use form for a specific transaction only.
Protect, identify your livestock with your Nebraska recorded brand. It is prima facie evidence of ownership of your livestock. It is your investment for your future. A brand is personal property and is subject to distribution in the same manner as other personal property until the expiration date.
A brand is personal property, and prima facie evidence of livestock ownership. The following explanations are basic instructions and may not apply to your particular circumstances, so we urge extreme care when recording a brand. Please list the owner(s) given name(s) and complete the legal ownership box. Please contact your attorney if a minor is involved.
If you are applying for a new brand, you can view the symbols, letter and numbers that are allowed to be recorded in Nebraska and the rules around using brands here: Brand Dictionary
Brandabetical Rules
For transfer of a registered Active Brand to a new owner, this form must be completed and notarized. This would include adding additional names or removing names from the Brand record.
The State of Nebraska has available to cattle feeders operating in the Nebraska Brand Inspection Area a program that is an alternative to brand inspection as is presently being done. The program offers the convenience of not having to have a brand inspection on fat cattle at time of shipment, either at origin or destination. Additionally, a modest to considerable cost savings may be realized depending on the nature of the operation. For more information, please read Registered Feedlots - An Alternate Brand Inspection Program
The Nebraska Brand Committee may, at its discretion, grant permission to any cattle owner based in the Nebraska Brand Inspection Area as described in Section 41 (3) Nebraska Livestock Brand Act or in an adjacent state having a mandatory brand inspection law and operating under authority of the Packers and Stockyards Division of the United States Department of Agriculture, to remove cattle from a county within the Nebraska Brand Inspection Area that is adjacent to the brand area line into an adjacent county, or portion thereof, or into a county of a state adjacent to the brand area line without having an inspection by the Nebraska Brand Committee as described in Section 41 (3) Nebraska Livestock Brand Act.
A Bill of Sale is a formal instrument for the conveyance or transfer of title to livestock or other goods and chattels. To comply with the law, all blanks provided must be completed in full. There must be at least one witness to the seller's signature. This Bill of Sale certifies ownership, but it does not exempt owner from a brand inspection on all cattle prior to their removal from The Nebraska Brand Inspection Area. It is only good for calves that are 30 days or younger and purebred cattle owned by the seller since birth not leaving the brand inspection area. The Beef Check Off Fee must be paid.
A Brand Lease is used when a livestock owner brands his livestock with a brand owned by another, generally needed for a short period of time. One, two, or all three locations owned by the brand owner can be leased.
Private Treaty Production Sales allow for registered and non-registered producers who will be selling small lots of seed stock cattle under 30 months of age and show stock under 12 months of age over a period of time not to exceed 6 months. Your brand inspector will need to assist getting producers enrolled and approved.
Livestock Transportation Permit
Any person, other than the owner or the owner's employee, using a motor vehicle or trailer to transport livestock or carcasses over any land within the State of Nebraska not owned or rented by such person or who is so transporting such livestock upon a highway, public street, or thoroughfare within the State of Nebraska shall have in his or her possession a livestock transportation authority form, certificate of inspection, or shipping certificate from a registered feedlot, authorizing such movement as to each head of livestock transported by such vehicle.